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Imran Suida is a specialist in Oral Surgery with 13 years experience in the field. His main interests lie in  treating anxious patients and performing complex surgical procedures, including removal of buried and broken teeth, management of dental cysts and dental implants.


He also has significant experience in the management of patients requiring oral surgery prior to orthodontic treatment, such as exposure of buried teeth.


Dr Suida has 13 years experience delivering conscious sedation to anxious patients, allowing them to receive complex care in a calm and relaxed environment. He is one of only a few surgeons who is able to help patients with either  jaw pain or a gag reflex with the use of acupuncture.


Dr Suida has received the membership in Oral Surgery qualification from the Royal College of Surgeons and also has completed postgraduate certificates in healthcare leadership and healthcare education. He also has achieved fellowship status with the Higher Education Authority.

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